I’m working on assignment for the Friends Church pastors that reminds me of a common dilemma facing older churches (by “older” I mean more than 10 years old or more).
Older churches want to attract younger adults, which is good. Unfortunately, most older churches are led by a group of folks 45 years old and older. The pattern I’ve seen so many times is people over 45 sincerely trying to guess what would attract people aged 20-35 and not succeeding.
About 4 years ago (after I was decidedly in the 45+ and clueless crowd), I thought, “what would happen if I listened to what young adults have to say about the church?” I tried a little of just asking that question to church attenders in their 20’s. Was I surprised!
I was surprised first at the emotion they attached to what they perceived as the church leadership’s lack of interest in them.
I was surprised secondly at the energy and effectiveness that developed when I simply suggested, “Why don’t I help you implement some of your ideas?”
It’s a very scary thing to ask someone what they think about our church. And its true, when we ask, we may be hit with some built-up emotion. But I have to say that I every time I’ve taken the risk, God has blessed the church as a result of the dialogue that developed.