Today’s WordAction’s Sunday paper, Standard, includes excerpts from Wesley Tracy’s Younger Than I Used to Be.
He shocks with the title (“God is no longer part of my life”), then convicts with “an epiphany explodes when it dawns on you that God is not part of your life. Instead, you’re a small part, a tiny part of God’s life!”
I must admit, I have spent a good chunk of my life thinking I was doing God a huge favor by asking him to be part of my life. As if my life was center stage in the universe and God was backstage, just waiting for his opportunity to join history’s feature attraction: Mark Kelley!
Recently, I’m starting to think more in terms of “I wonder how God will involve me in his Story today?” I’m discovering wonderful adventure and breath-taking liberty when I join God in what he is already doing.
The “production” I wrote, produced and starred in (Here’s Mark Kelley!) had become boring and predictable. In fact, I flamed out trying to play the part. On the other hand, God’s production never fails to challenge, surprise, and inspire me. As soon as I ask “What’s my role today?” God stretches me with the answer (and funny . . . . whenever I ask, he always has an assignment. . .).
I frequently felt over-burdened with the multiple roles of writing, producing, acting, and promoting my own life. When I join God’s Story, I only have to do what the Director asks. I don’t need to justify my actions, or force the right results. I obey, then trust.
Since I’m thinking Advent-thoughts today, I’ll close by saying “I’m anticipating eternal thrills as I play my small part in God’s Story.”