I just read a helpful blog on why the way we “do church” must shift. I echo with the author the sense of gratitude for a generation past, and compassion for a generation coming.
“we’re in a time where things are shifting. We are losing the post-World War II generation that kept our churches thriving with their hard work and generous stewardship. Since our congregations were largely tailored to that generation, pastors often walk into situations that don’t make sense in a new time.
“We expect a new generation of moms to work forty hours, cook meals, do laundry, and then attend a three hour committee meeting where we discuss whether we should cut the communion bread into circles or squares. We expect young singles, struggling to maintain basic employment, housing, and health insurance, to contribute money to our multi-million dollar organ fund. We want to attract “young families,” not realizing that if a man gets married, he’ll probably be forty before he begins thinking about having a family.”
quote from Carol Howard Merritt, author of Tribal Church: Ministering to the Missing Generation..