New Job!

I have a new part-time job. I’ve been hired as a consultant by the Pacific Conference of the Evangelical Church They want me to develop a conference-wide Intentional Interim Ministry program for their conference of 50 churches. This is a part-time job, concluding with a presentation in late July. This concludes 5 months of unemployment.

“Intentional Interim Ministry” is relatively new form of pastoral ministry, which I learned and practiced the last two years. It is interim because the pastor is in between long-term pastors. Its intentional for two reasons: the pastor commits to staying for just 1 or 2 years, and the pastor & church agree to several short-term goals. Those goals usually include healing of relationships, modifying structure, and fine-tuning the church’s sense of purpose.

This job will be energizing, but short-term. Because it is about ¼ time, it allows me to continue with my plans to teach in Barclay College’s on-line program.

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