Still Looking . . . Still Believing . . . Now Trembling

Someone asked me today about my job search.

I don’t have any realistic expectations of landing a ministry job before the first of the year. That realization this week re-focused my job search and surfaced my first real trepidation.

The new focus for the job hunt seeks a seasonal job in the retail world. For instance, it would be fun to work for Borders during the holiday season. I would enjoy selling books, and it would give me  some helpful experience in (and insight from) customer service.

The trepidation is this: I’m starting to see the end of our savings come quite plainly in view. Or I can put it this way: for this week, the reality of our limited finances hit me more powerfully than the possibility of regular employment.

In the midst of this God used Psalm 66 twice this week to remind me to remember all he has done for me in the past.

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