Monthly Archives: December 2010

Bible Story on FaceBook

I just found this — I know it’s a little late. I really liked “Digital Christmas” but I think this is far better.

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Cross Preaching

“The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18, NLT).” The society in Corinth valued strength, beauty, and … Continue reading

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Prayer for the week after Christmas

“Almighty God, you have poured upon us the new light of your incarnate Word: Grant that this light, enkindled in our hearts, may shine forth in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in … Continue reading

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Letting Go; Getting God

In 1900, the average American could list thirteen things that were essential to a normal life. By 2000, that list had grown to over 90 things. That’s right from thirteen necessities to ninety necessary things. Matthew 6:24-33 reminds us that … Continue reading

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Peace from Stress

Olivia Taylor-Young wrote a moving tribute to “Silent Night” in yesterday’s Eugene Register-Guard. She movingly described the healing effects singing “Silent Night” has, and the almost mystical sense of unity that comes from singing the carol in multi-lingual situations. I … Continue reading

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Introducing the New Testament

I’m reading An Introduction to the New Testamemnt by David A. DeSilva. It’s an important book in the field, and I’m using it to prepare for the good possibility of teaching the Bible on-line through Barclay College. This intro text … Continue reading

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I Wish You an iChristmas

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Finding Grace While Feeling Pain

I just read a great Advent post reminding us to seek freedom for today’s residents of Bethlehem: Palestinians. The devotional on Luke 2:1-4 reminded me of the paradox of human sin and God’s grace. Joseph and Mary were forced to … Continue reading

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A Different View of the Advent Candle

I’m reading some of the entries for the Advent Tour Blog 2010. You can jump (and should jump — its worth it) to December 10’s entry right here. What I heard Jesus saying to me while reading the blog is … Continue reading

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Advent Blog

I’ve been looking for a blog that would keep me engaged Biblically with advent, and I found it here. A great blog with a Bible reading and devotional by a different blogger each day of December.

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